Best Pregnancy Tips After a Positive Test
Best Pregnancy Tips After a Positive Test
First trimester tips.
When you find out that you’re pregnant, your mind might focus on that itty bitty newborn that will be arriving in 40 weeks or so. Or maybe you immediately think of all the ways you can share the exciting news with your partner. You might also be thinking about what you should be focusing on, and how your life should change, now that you’re pregnant. After having two babies of my own, and spending time within the maternity and newborn setting with my photography, I have come up with a couple of reminders that are perfect for your first trimester time.
Reminder #1 – Be healthy
That little one growing inside you, which is about the size of an egg by the end of your first trimester, is a great reason to make sure you are getting or staying healthy. Eating a healthy variety of foods is the best way for your body to get the nutrition it needs. Personally, I had to make sure I got plenty of folic acid, so I made sure to eat lots of foods with folate. Exercise can be hard to do in the first trimester I found, because you might be exhausted and need naps daily, even if you’ve never needed naps before. Those naps can be important – the only time I ever nap is when I’m pregnant, or sick! Even a little exercise can help, such as going for walks (inside if it’s hot!), or doing yoga. If you didn’t exercise before pregnancy, it’s definitely a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure you are starting out the right way. Lastly, it’s pretty well known that you should refrain from drinking and any recreational drug use during pregnancy. If you’re taking something over the counter, like cold medicine, check with your doctor. They usually have a great list handy that you can have to make sure your medicine is ok. If you have a prescription medicine, make sure you verify that it’s safe, as well. My medicine is why I needed extra folic acid (or folate), especially during that first trimester.
(side note I want to include- If your little one was conceived on a night of a big celebration and you had some(or lots) of alcohol that night, please don’t stress. Read this)
Reminder #2 – Share, or don’t, it’s up to you!
People have very strong feelings about YOUR pregnancy. Whether they are your best friend, or the neighbor down the street, they want to know a lot. I read from a lot of places that you shouldn’t share your news with anyone(other than your partner, of course!) until after your first trimester. The reasoning for this is the risk of miscarriage is far greater during that first trimester. Once you’re out of it, the risk is reduced and you are more than likely to be able to share without fear. I had planned on waiting to share, but once I found out I was pregnant with my first, I immediately just wanted to share with everyone. I decided that I wanted to share my excitement with them – and if something were to happen to my baby, I would want their support. I shared pretty early with my second pregnancy, as well. But you know what? If you talk with your partner and you would rather keep it a secret, that is absolutely fine! Families might want to share after the first trimester if they have a history of miscarriages, or if there are other events happening that might take the excitement away. Or you might just want to share this special, wonderful surprise with your partner. This is just the first of MANY decisions in your new life, that you and your partner get to make together. Choose that works best for you and your family, not what would make others happy.
I am a maternity and newborn photographer based in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. See one of my maternity sessions here!